Learn to Edit with Lightroom | Roger Chapman Photography

Learn to Edit with Lightroom

£125.00 exc Tax

Learn to edit with Lightroom

This photographers course is for a FULL day and offers an introduction on how to ‘Learn to edit with Lightroom’ using Adobe Lightroom, one of the premier softwares for editing your images post shoot.

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SKU: L2ELR-1D Category: Tags: , ,


learn lightroom editing

Why you need to Learn to Edit with lightroom

It took me a long time to Learn to edit with Lightroom but I have been using Adobe Lightroom as a post processing tool ever since. I learnt from videos and by trial and error. However, it wasn’t until I went on a course that I truly learnt the program.

As with most Adobe software programs, Lightroom is an industry leader in the field of photography. It contains a wealth of functions and processes, which without guidance, is enough to make any photographer go crazy. At its simplest level, though, Learn to edit with Lightroom was created to help you do just three main things: sort, process, and export your images. Without doubt, mastering Lightroom will take your images to the next level. Whether you are just starting out or you are an advanced photographer your choice to come on my course and learn to edit with Lightroom was a great decision. In this comprehensive course, we will go over the process of editing using Lightroom for beginners, from start to finish, including tips on the topics that tend to confuse people the most.

This comprehensive course, where you learn to edit with lightroom, is designed to explain all the basic functions and features of Lightroom. Throughout the day we will use a selection of your own images. You are welcome to take these processed images away at the end of the day.

What’s included in this course:

  • Introducing the Lightroom interface
  • Why Lightroom is unique
  • Explaining the Lightroom catalog
  • How to import an image into Lightroom
  • Understanding Lightroom’s Library and Develop modules
  • How to organise your photos in Lightroom with folders and collections
  • How to process your photos in Lightroom
  • How to export your photos from Lightroom
  • How to insert an image  watermark
  • Backing up your catalog

My goal was to provide a fairly comprehensive course, that explains everything a beginner needs to know about Lightroom. The course is based on Lightroom classic but the same principles apply to all of its derivatives.

Hopefully, even if you start without any knowledge at all, you’ll end up with a medium- to high-level understanding of Lightroom’s most important concepts.

Visit the Adobe UK site

I run several other courses including:

  1. Get off Auto
  2. Birds in Flight


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