Juvenile Mute Swan on Lake
Juvenile Mute Swan on Lake. The mute swan is a very large white waterbird. It has a long S-shaped neck and an orange bill with a black base and a black knob. It flies with its neck extended and regular, slow wing beats.
The population in the UK has increased recently, perhaps due to better protection of this species. The problem of lead poisoning on lowland rivers has also largely been solved by a ban on the sale of lead fishing weights. Some birds stay in their territories all year, while others move short distances and form winter flocks. In cold weather, some birds arrive from Europe into eastern England.
Where and when to see them
The mute swan breeds across most of the UK, other than in northern Scotland, mid-Wales and the moors of south-west England. It’s possible to see them anywhere there is a shallow lake, or a slow-flowing rivers, even in urban areas and parks.
Threats to mute swans
The main predators are foxes, which from time to time take birds roosting in accessible places.
The main threats come from pollution of freshwater areas, lead weights previously used by anglers, fishing tackle, and overhead power lines. Vandalism is a problem in some areas.
A swan requires grit to break down food and may inadvertently take the small lead shot previously used by anglers as weights until its use was banned. Once retained in the gizzard, the shot will gradually be absorbed into the body and eventually lead to poisoning.
Although the use of lead shot as a fishing accessory is now illegal, a residue of lead is still to be found in some freshwater environments. This may cause a threat when old lead is exposed or brought within reach by receding water levels or disturbance of the sediments.
Entanglement in fishing tackle can also be a problem. Swans can swallow hooks ( the extraction of which is a potentially lethal operation for the birds) and nylon line presents its own problems. Anglers are encouraged by council bye-laws and the Anglers Code of Conduct not to discard used tackle but to take it home and cut it up or burn it.
Collision with overhead power lines is a major cause of swan mortality. If swans are regularly in collision with local overhead cables, speak to the Wayleave Officer of the relevant electricity company to see whether the cables can be made more visible to the swans by attachment of swan deflectors.
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