Dandelion Seed Head | Roger Chapman Photography

Dandelion Seed Head

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Dandelion Seed Head. This image was captured in a local field where hundreds of dandelions were dispersing their seed heads into the air. A gardeners woe, a photographer’s delight!

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Dandelion Seed Head

Dandelion Seed Head. This image was captured in a local field where hundreds of dandelions were dispersing their seeds into the air.

dandelion seed head

Dandelion Facts

  • The dandelion is the only flower that represents the 3 celestial bodies of the sun, moon and stars. The yellow flower resembles the sun, the puff ball resembles the moon and the dispersing seeds resemble the stars.
  • The dandelion flower opens to greet the morning and closes in the evening to go to sleep.
  • Every part of the dandelion is useful: root, leaves, flower. It can be used for food, medicine and dye for coloring.
  • Up until the 1800s people would pull grass out of their lawns to make room for dandelions and other useful “weeds” like chickweed, malva, and chamomile.
  • The average American recognizes thousands of logos for commercial products, yet recognizes fewer than five plants that grow in his/her area. Dandelions are most likely one of those familiar plants.
  • The name dandelion is taken from the French word “dent de lion” meaning lion’s tooth, referring to the coarsely-toothed leaves.
  • Dandelions have one of the longest flowering seasons of any plant.
  • Seeds are often carried as many as 5 miles from their origin!
  • A not so fun fact: Every year Americans spend millions on lawn pesticides to have uniform lawns of non-native grasses, and we use 30% of the country’s water supply to keep them green.

Dandelion is a flowering plant that belongs to the family Asteraceae. There are around 30 species of dandelion that can be found all over the world. Dandelion inhabits different habitats that provide enough sunlight: meadows, grasslands, edges of the forests, gardens and lawns. In most parts of the world, dandelion is known as weed. Belgium is one of the rare countries that cultivates and exploits dandelion in large quantities. Despite its bad reputation, dandelion has numerous properties that are beneficial for humans. It can be used as food, as an ingredient of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, in the production of tires, or as medicine.


Dandelion Seed Head

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