Happy Place Candles

I was commissioned by Agne Poliunaite to take photographs of her beautiful Happy Place candle.

Agne has a beautiful candle product range, and this one is no exception. The candle is made from soy wax and has a fantastic vanilla aroma, as I can testify from the smell in the studio now! The brief was to capture the candle from different angles, with different backgrounds, for display online on her website and selling channels such as Etsy.

happy place candles - packaging

We spent a very productive couple of hours photographing the candle both in the studio and outdoors. 

happy place candles and box side by side


You can see the full gallery here

happy place candles and box outdoors

What is a soy wax candle?

Soy wax is a natural, renewable resource. Soy wax is biodegradable and cleans up with plain old soap and water. Soy wax has a lower melting point than paraffin wax and because of this, soy candles will burn slower or longer than paraffin candles. Soy wax burns with zero petro soot, creating petro soot free candles.

Why are soy wax candles better?

It is made by removing the waxy substance from crude oil, a non-renewable resource. … Soy wax also burns slower than paraffin wax, meaning you’ll get a candle that lasts longer. And while all candles emit some black soot while burning, soy wax burns cleaner and results in less soot than paraffin.

Are soy candles the healthiest?

Soy is better for your health: Soy burns cleaner and produces as much as 90 percent less soot than paraffin, reducing the amount of indoor air pollution produced over the course of your meal. … Soy won’t ruin your walls: The emissions from paraffin candles build up on walls, staining the paint in your home.

Does soy wax purify the air?

Beeswax or soy candles.

These candles burn cleaner than regular paraffin wax. Beeswax candles clean the air by releasing negative ions into the air which bind with toxins and help remove them from the air.

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